Jérémie Leroy-Ringuet has an experience in both French/EU trademark law and in US trademark law. He assists you in:
Trademark law
- Prior art searches, filing French, International and EU trademark applications
- Strategic advice for international trademark applications
- Oppositions, cancellation and revocation actions (plaintiff and defendant sides) before courts and French and EU offices (INPI and EUIPO), appeals before French courts of appeal, EUIPO’s board of appeal and the European Court of Justice (EUCJ)
- Coordination with local correspondents for oppositions, cancellation and revocation actions and infringement actions involving international or national trademarks
- Prelitigation and litigation: cease-and-desist letters, take-down notices, infringement actions, seizures, summary judgement proceedings, cancellation and revocation proceedings, customs withholding
- Co-existence agreements, assignment agreements and licensing agreements, security contracts
- Recordals with the trademark offices
Design law
- Prior art searches, filing applications for French and EU designs.
- Prelitigation: cease-and-desist letters and take-down notices
- Actions for cancellation before INPI and EUIPO, defence against such actions and appeals against the Offices’ decisions
- Infringement actions, summary judgement proceedings, seizures, customs withholding
- Co-existence agreements, assignment agreements and licensing agreements, recordals
Domain name law, cybersquatting
- Advice in choosing and registering domain names (prior art searches)
- UDRP and SYRELI proceedings for domain name recovery
- Assignment agreements
- Prelitigation and litigation for unfair competition
Other rights
- Wine law
- Protected geographical indications, AOC, AOP
- Unfair competition and free-riding