Jérémie Leroy-Ringuet acquired a global vision of his customers’ concerns regarding literary and artistic property while facing such issues for six years alongside with authors and performers, as administrator and communication manager of theater companies and of musical ensembles.
He is particularly aware of the clients’ needs, having been one of them in his previous occupations.
He assists you in advisory matters:
- Negotiations and drafting authors’ contracts, assignments of copyrighted works, live performance contracts, licensing, publishing contracts and all other authors’ and performers’ contracts; contracts of personality rights (rights of publicity, modeling contracts, etc.)
- Filing applications for protection of works (Soleau envelopes, application with foreign Copyright offices)
- Negotiations with authors’ societies and Royalties Collecting and Distributing societies
- Customs withholding
And in litigation, both civil and criminal:
- Prelitigation: cease-and-desist letters, take-down notices
- Seizures, summary judgement proceedings
- Infringement actions (“plagiarism”: books, musical scores, films, broadcasts, works of art of any kind) and defence against such actions
Other rights:
- Data base law
- Software law (contracts, seizures, infringement actions, appraisals)
- IT contracts
- Unfair competition and free-riding
- Trade secrets